Thursday, November 09, 2006

he's online....

oh God...he's online.....
and my heart beats so fast...

my ex baby...DL...
i still have feelings for him, even after what he did to me...
i would take him if he knocks on my door...again....

"r u out of ur mind?? dah lupe ape die dah buat kat ko??"
dah terdengar bebelan miss J di telingaku jika ditakdirkan bersama dengan DL semula...
ahh...tak mungkin...

he's online again after he went for his raya break overseas with his beloved parents...
the last time we talked was one day before he flew and it was not really a pleasant conversation...
and not even an ucapan of 'selamat hari raya' from him up to today...
what did i do to deserve this from him?? i could not figure it out...
feel like giving him a buzz, but takut pulak nanti luka lame berdarah kembali..
takut untuk sakit sekali lagi...
tapi i miss him so very much....

soal hati memang payah nak diungkaikan...
kadang-kadang memang malas nak layan soal hati sendiri...


Kak Teh said...

selamat berbloggingkebaya blur. nanti kak teh link kan..

Angel Eyes said...
